Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Ryan Sales Experience

     This isnt exactly where I want this introduction to take place.  I was around 15 years old in this picture.  Drunk out of my mind.  Truth is addiction has always been a major contributor to where my life has gone and where it is headed today.

     I grew up in a small town called Fort Saskatchewan, AB.  We moved there from Gibbons, AB as it offered more for everyone in my family.

     Going in and out of different schools was the norm for me trying to fit in and things just falling short of victory.  I played hockey and soccer had all the opportunities necessary to bring out success in me but even at such a young age I sensed something was different about me.  I just didn't feel human if that makes any sense at all.  Hockey was a huge part of my life for a couple years.  I played Goaltender and left wing.  That ended abruptly in pee wee year when I felt I was being picked on and singled out by the coach and his son.  Some stuff happened in the dressing room and that's when I decided to hang up the skates.  Im still haunted today by the thought of, what if I didn't hang them up and overcame the difficulties presented to me by my team mates.  How different would I have been today?  This is a very tough thought to live with.

     When I quit hockey the troubles started at school.  I remember in grade six having a disagreement over pogs and hunting the kid down after school and beating him and his little brother up.  I also remember in great detail being called into the principals office the next day and given a six day in school detention.  Locked away in a tiny room for six days straight.  That didn't really phase me.  I didn't do my school work anyways hahaha.  This was the second violent offense, the first occured a year earlier when a disagreement during a noon hour soccer match blew up like lighting a match in a vessel filled with propane.  After school me and my teammates waited for this kid to start walking home, we approached him and settled the score.  Someone had the wise idea to bring a thick chain bike lock into the mix and I put it around his neck and choked him out.  He hit the ground we walked off and thought nothing of it.  That is until the RCMP showed up at my front door and took me away to the holding cells and confronted all of us on how dangerous of an act this was.  It happened off of school ground and after hours so we couldnt be suspended but that doesnt mean I couldnt clean toilets for a month AGAIN.  The first punishment I received helping the janitor was for peeing on top of the urinals and finding it hilarious.  HAHA not funny.
      The suspensions kept coming and I soon found myself in JR high.  Where like in the old days suspensions ran wild in my life.  Out of school suspensions were considered for very serious offenses.  I do consider breaking the neighboring schools principals SUV window with and ice block a boys will be boys offense.  I thought I was pretty bad ass, until I discovered that principal was pretty well blood related to my principal.  Real hilarious.  Out of school suspension!  My parents tanned my hide.  On a number of occasions actually, but this one sticks out the most.  I could sit or shit for weeks.  That and my parents house was never cleaner.  My worst all time offense in Jr High was the time we had our grade eight graduation panorama photos.  Me being the sly funny guy I thought I was decided to top everything Ive ever done.  On every take of every photo I had my middle finger sticking down to the floor between my legs all incognito, and no one was the wiser.  I thought I had managed to pull off the greatest FUCK YOU SCHOOL in fort saskatchewan history without any reprocussions.  That is until the day the rough drafts of the photos came in.  You must also remember this was way before the photo shop days and editing this photo was to become a huge expense to the school.  Yep, two weeks left of school, Two weeks left of in school suspension with a ban on going to the dance at the end of the year.... Yep smooth move me.

To be continued shortly......

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